Yeah those things are built like tanks. I have friends that still drive 240s and they still work just fine even after a million miles
Zelda a link to the past (emulated on pocket snes).
I second this, great episode. He was indeed a very weird and smelly man.
Wow the "exploding chewing gum" one was a trip. What a way to go.
One 12 year old child has died. Two others wounded. Horrible.
I've read this opinion a few times actually which is great news for me. Bg3 was the game that pulled me back from a long hiatus from gaming and after finishing it I was kinda lost about what to play next. Lookin forward to playing it.
Wow that also looks really fun! Looks like it will run on my potato-pc also. Thanks for the rec!
It is! 7€ on steam now. I have never heard of this one but it looks awesome. Into the cart it goes. Thanks for the rec!
Edit: 9€ not 7
Ah thanks for the recommendation! Due to kids and life in general I am about 7-8 years behind when it comes to gaming. It's nice being able to get back to playing every now and then. Also, no need to get latest and pay full price which is also nice.
Bought DOS2 because I finished bg3 and is going through withdrawal
Awesome that it's back up! Thanks for all your hard work
True. I was unfortunate to encounter a lesser known pic of a chainsaw accident. More than two decades later and I can still cringe about that one, can still picture his "face"
Agreed. I was aware of almost every one of those but never saw a single one.
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