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Melophile🎧 Find me @mastodon: Alt acc

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Comments 11
we may
  • Lets race

    Linux sucks

  • Dr Strange has spoken, capitalists are killing us all!
  • Pure communism or capitalism wont work I have more hope in mixed economy. Mixed economy is implemented in india but i want it to be implemented in a better way If the proles were in a communist environment they cant have a sense of owning and the sense of owning provides working mentality for their own profit. Completely avoiding private sector will adversely effect a system. In kerala free public schools are much better and advanced than private education sector. It@school and KITE(Kerala Infrastructure and Technology for Education) foster, promote and implement modernisation of educational institutions in the State of Kerala. Free softwares are used instead of proprietory softwares. Public and private in health sector are also good.. (Sorry for my bad english. English is my second language)

  • Adapt. Overcome.
  • I will sleep beneath it uwu ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

  • linux users be one of the two, no in between
  • In both ways you are reaching my castle

  • Humans before they* sleep
  • That's a great idea for sleeping

  • Linux 6.6 To Better Protect Against The Illicit Behavior Of NVIDIA's Proprietary Driver
  • Meanwhile me using ublock adblocker and flawlessly reading the content on firefox

  • For the last time, a Liftoff screenshot is not a meme
  • Post this to twitter again🫡

  • Types of government and business explained by cows
  • Wait a minute who are you?