Posts 0
Comments 10
Rulesaurs 10 0
In all seriousness, my favorite is actually Ankylosaurus as well. These things just look so cool
90% of porn videos from the 2000s [Day 48] 15 0
Your posts gave me the urge to rewatch The Room a few weeks ago.
I'm not sure if this comment is a thanks or a grievance.
After shutting down several popular emulators, Nintendo admits emulation is legal 28 0
The original Xbox (2001) came with integrated Ethernet
A greeting - or a warning? 15 0
That's the Storm Door. The main external door to the house opens inward (behind the kitty).
A greeting - or a warning? 50 0
Yelling at the driver for putting the food right in front of the door 😡
What is your favorite Robin Williams role? 17 0
One Hour Photo.
It's not my favorite per se, but it was so unexpected given all the other roles we know him for.