Start raising of oil, power and potash to compensate our losses. Keep increasing the price everytime he adds a new tarrif. Hell I would raise everytime he says 'governor Trudeau'
Agreed. This was never about drugs, we can't stop what isn't happening. Trudeau bought us a month to get our shit together and prepare for the inevitable, Which we've done. At least we won't be completely blindsided this time.
At least he's being honest about it. There's going to be alot of growing pains strengthening Canada, people need to be prepared that that.
This issue is that Trump is an unhinged lunatic now in charge of arguably the most powerful military in the world. We would need to be careful how we push back so he doesn't have an excuse to start an actual war. I once thought that no US President would be dumb enough to pull that trigger, but I am starting to have my doubts.
That whole back and forth was so very Canadian.
Your probably right. That would be the safest way
Absolutely, I am doing the same. I hope the various provinces keep good on their plans to strengthen Canadian business and not go right back to the way things were. This should be a wake up call.
Yea, I don't blame Americans at large. I believe most of them don't want this either.
Yea, we don't know what happened in the phone call. I don't think Trump was expecting us to fight back, he would have taken any deal to safe face and say he won. The important part is that all of us don't forget what happened. Regardless of what happens next month, America threatened us, we can't go back to the way things were. I am going to continue to choose Canada first, fuck the States.
That's going to be up to each of us, I certainly am. America raised their hand to us, whether they strike or not is beside the point, they can't take that back. I am going keep as much of my time and money in Canada as I can. I think all Canadians should.
Agreed. If someone raises a hand to you, doesn't matter if they strike or not, the damage is done. America proved they are untrustworthy. Fuck em.
True, except that in Canada we don't follow the USDA. Canada has very strict safety regulations, food service and production is no exception. There are ways to serve raw food dishes like this,but you have to follow certain procedures to do it, such as grinding your own meats and having separate work areas for everything, warning customers of the dangersm, and I would imagine you have even more frequent food inspections then usual. In Ontario we have a card system on any place that serves or prepares food that has to be displayed on the door or customer counter. Green, yellow, or red. Getting a yellow card is damn near a death sentence for alot of places since restaurants are so competitive.
That doesn't mean that regulations aren't broken, its just that its a risk. After 15 years of being a chef, I have always refused to undercook food even if I know it would be fine. I was not willing to take the risk.
Its any ground meat. Bacteria cant penetrate a steak to contaminate it, so as long as the outside is cooked enough its safe. When you grind up meat to expose all of the meat to outside conditions, plus any bacteria left on the grinders themselves, so it has to be fully cooked.