I never got too deep into it, but I enjoyed ~10 hours of it before getting distracted by other games. It felt more like a park business simulator like Roller Coaster Tycoon, rather than an elaborate park and ride designer like Planet Coaster.
It's totally worth $15 if you want to scratch that itch.
There's a fantastic LotR total conversion mod for TW: Rome. It was also ported to RW: Rome Remastered, so very easy to play even on modern hardware.
EDIT: Search for Lord of the Rings: Total War (Remastered) for the most recent version of the mod.
Trader Joe's has been owned by Aldi* since 1979. The fact that they managed to maintain the image of a wholesome company as long as they have is astounding.
(there are actually two different Aldi companies from Germany, owned by two brothers who split from the original company to make Aldi Nord (North) and Aldi Sud (South), that go by different names depending on the country they're in. Aldi Nord is Trader Joe's in the US, and Aldi Sud just goes by Aldi in the US)
So in the report by Meta, they go into a little more detail. One post in particular claimed that Fort Detrick is the origin of Covid. Fort Detrick is located in Maryland, and a quick google shows that it hasn't worked on biological weapons since the late 60s.