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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Any day now...
  • Oh lolololl and here I was thinking it was technical difficulties— which I did have!!!! i went a day or two where I would click “subscribed” and it just stayed on “all”…

  • What do you keep in your shared inventory slots?
  • Copper fed salvage. The Metabolic Primers and the Utility primers. Arborstone pass. Lily of the Elon Pass. Power Food, Condi food, power and condi utilities. The Research kit from EOD. A few other things that I can’t remember.

  • With SotO comes the WoW'esque reward system, how do you feel about it?
  • Feels like an amped-up version of the current map/expansion currency system we have (lookin at you, imperial favor/unbound magic/volatile magic/blood ruby/ice shards/and so on and so on…)… i’m not HYPE about it but I’m not currently opposed.

    It’ll be interesting to see how it blends WvW/PvP and “login” reward choices as well