y'all living with someone?
I think this is the case because the west isn't used to fighting an enemy that can match their might.
Think Iraq. Why bother with a narrative? There is a certainty of victory, no damage will come to the west, and iraqi media sure as hell isn't reaching our audiences. So just make up an excuse, invade, and let people forget it until the next current thing.
But russia? It can fight back, it has political and economic leverage, it forces europe to suffer economically, it can inflict losses and shatter the image of nato equipment being unbeatable.
So the media has to scramble to find reasons why we should keep fighting the russians, because our collective subconscious knows that fighting russia is a bad idea in general. The result of this scrambling is a lot of contrasting narratives that keep contradicting each other. Specially because russia itself has the power to counter western narratives and highlight the falsehoods.
Remember Soledar for example? "the situation is difficult but we are holding" until russians started posting selfies from inside the town and it became clear that the UAF had been routed from there days ago.
Or also when they kept claiming that reddit truesim that "attackers suffer 7 times more casualties" during the battle of Bakhmut an excuse to support the "we are grinding them down by losing" narrative. Now ukraine is attacking and people are asking "wait a second, we were told attackers take 7 times more losses, how is ukraine affording this?"
In short, much like they are not used to fighting competent enemies on the ground, they are not used to fighting competent enemies in the media/internet arena. The result is a clusterfuck of lies covered by other lies as soon as they get found out.
30k russians walked into kiev and retreated with minimal losses, it's not the own you think it is.
And Ukraine has been claiming that this was the offensive to liberate crimea for the last six months. They committed their élite western trained brigades and the most modern equipment that was given to them, including the famous leopards. This is what their "being ready" looks like, and it barely put a dent into the outermost lines of russian defences
I don't think this is gonna work out
Lmao, Ukraine's greater counteroffensive supposed to free crimea resulted in a russian advance. They threw a punch and hurt themselves while doing it
At least we came to the conclusion that your thing is that you hate russia and its people and just wish them harm
Remember that most of them actually believe ua pravda when it says that russians fight with shovels
I call it "leftist schizoposting"
what do you mean by "anti-secular softie"? No hostility, just asking
lol i don't "love" Putin. You can see that in my other comments.
What i am saying is that your side is the one cheering for even more arms shipments so that even more ukrainians can be sent to die in an unwinnable war to "teach russia a lesson". Literally no one here is arguing in favour of shipping arms to russia or supporting them in any meaningful manner.
The truth is, that much like the collective west, the average slavic subhuman is just currency to you. Ukrainian authorities are on their 9th wave of mobilization, snatching people off the streets and literally camping outside of hospitals in order to catch men who go there to get treatment. Your side thinks this is cool and good because you just can't allow russia to win.
If your warmongering side wasn't constantly pushing for escalation and arms shipments, the two sides would've negotiated a deal a year ago when the frontline froze.
So, if you are willing to fight to the last ukrainian just to stick it to Putin, go there yourself. I did not want this war, i do not cheer for it, i do not wish to see it escalate. You do.
those pesky africans, not even remotely grateful for all the civilizing we did. Some more starvation will teach them to stand up to the bad guys like Russia.
Jokes aside, Finland was sending like 100 millions in aid yearly. That's peanuts for a country, even less for a whole continent with 1.2 billion people living on it. So i guess it's whatever, this won't help finland escape their chronic irrelevance and realistically the difference will be completely unnoticeable for africa
me too kinda
Comrade, get a hold of yourself. A hundred generations live in us, waiting for the final victory of socialism. And if it won't be us, it's going to be our sons and daughters
I actually think that with the internet and everything, we will gradually move away from "big thinkers". Sure, there will still be people producing decent theory, but i just can't see in the current world a russian revolution like scenario when whole shifts at factories would meet up to read Marx.
I believe we will move towards a sort of "crowdsourced" theory where the main theoretical line is born organically out of continuos communication and discussion until we eventually get to a point where most contradictions and disagreements are solved. At that point the "big thinker" and his work will be one of many inputs, and not some sort of ideological hegemon.
Sort of like it is happening on here. We didn't read the same stuff, but with time the community shaped itself to a point where we substantially agree with each other on pretty much everything.
Trump at least knew of to look like he knew what he was saying. He was a decent orator and could at least entertain a crowd. Biden is seriously less articulated and coherent than some people i work with, and i am an educator specialized in polyhandicap
i mean, if you look at the footage of diplomatic meetings you can see very obviously by Xi's body language that he takes the presidents of nations like Barbados or Zambia much more seriously than people like Biden or Trudeau
don't you know that Ukraine is actually a libsoc utopia?
how did these people even end up on here. Like, you won't find me hanging around in neonazi forums for sure. But that would be equivalent to what those people are doing.
says the guy cheering for ukrainian people to be sent to be slaughtered just to slow down russia and rake in some millions for the MIC
rather simp for someone opposing nato expansion than for a neonazi puppet regime staffed by people handpicked by the CIA. I swear you liberals refuse on purpose to understand that in the grand scheme of things the action of a "bad guy" can still be beneficial.
Russia isn't conquering the world anytime soon. So what would you rather have? a more multipolar world where russia has a relatively safe and solid position after showing that it won't be bullied into submission by nato (with the whole world watching), or a world where russia is balkanized into several statelets without the political, economic or military strength to resist capitalist infiltration?
We saw what happened last time russia got defeated. We lost a bastion of socialism, we saw tens of millions impoverished while a few capitalits dismantled everything that the USSR had built, and the whole thing ushered 40 years of hegemonic atlantist domination.
So yeah, i am rooting for the "neoliberal protofascist dictatorship". There is a reason why literally nobody in the global south sanctioned Russia. 75% of the planet is reasoning the same way i am.