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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Working parents, how do you find time to game?
  • Joining the parent club in about 3 months, but in preparation, I've purchased a "Couchmaster lapboard" and I cannot recommend it enough. Having shoulder support basically makes it feel like you're sitting at your desk but comfortably on the couch. The only issue is the couch itself; if it has a lot of bounce you're gonna have a wobbly desk any time someone sits / stands up from the couch.

    Btw I've since found you can pretty much just buy some upholstery foam, cut it, put a plank over it and have your very own "Couchmaster" for roughly $20 instead of $200..

  • Don't use AI detectors for anything important
  • I have a hard time seeing what we are currently calling "AI" evolve to address issues like this. It's not real intelligence, it's just text prediction. It seems fundamentally flawed for use-cases where you need 100% certainty of the answers being appropriate.

    This isn't the AI people think it is. And the only danger it poses is irresponsible use.

  • Red Hat Tries To Address Criticism Over Their Source Repository Changes
  • I'm not a lawyer, and I certainly don't know the license to that degree, but if true then it seems reasonable for them to stop freely distributing source code and I'm not sure what people are upset about.. Sucks to lose something you used to get for free, but hardly an injustice.

    Sounds like there's nothing stopping these derivative distro's from purchasing the source and continuing on.

  • Red Hat Tries To Address Criticism Over Their Source Repository Changes
  • Contributing back is besides the point. GPL is infectious, so all of their code which they aren’t releasing the source of is also considered GPL. So unless they release all of the source code they are still non compliant and I have to imagine they’re wel aware of this.

  • Lawyers: Internal email proves Microsoft's Activision bid is designed to eliminate PlayStation
  • That's totally fair, apologies if I came across a bit blunt. And to be fair: the jury is definitely out on whether this game is "bursting with creativity". My point was just that it being heavily influenced by Daggerfall does not imply a lack of creativity, if anything quite the opposite. That said this is Bethesda and their track record for creativity is definitely on a downward spiral..

  • Lawyers: Internal email proves Microsoft's Activision bid is designed to eliminate PlayStation
  • Daggerfall itself was a level of creativity we haven't seen in the gaming industry since. Obviously they aren't just reskinning that game cause it's OLD. To say that Starfield is not creative because it is "just" copying Daggerfall sounds a little tonedeaf.