NSFW_penguin_1024 @
NSFW_penguin_1024 @lemmynsfw.com
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Comments 3
Describe my pussy in 3 words NSFW_penguin_1024 @lemmynsfw.com 2 0
Delicate. Delicious. Delightful.
since 18.0, Jerboa will not load the Subscribed or All tabs NSFW_penguin_1024 @lemmynsfw.com 1 0
Jerboa won't let me see just my subscribed communities. I can click on Local or Subscribed, but it gives me stories from all federated instances, on this account.
Tool to find highest quality version of an image? NSFW_penguin_1024 @lemmynsfw.com 7 0
I like http://imgops.com It allows you to search several search engines, including Google, tineye, Bing and non-us based ones.