My wife didn't change her last name when we married. All the inconveniences of that have been so minor for us, not an issue.
Nazis gonna Nazi
I was just going to start my de-google to Proton. Time for a new plan.
Democracy dies with complicity
I think that's an older picture from last month or something. So imagine how he looks now, lol
I'm sure Trump would say that there are some good people on both sides of the street.
Unfortunately Republicans are not good faith actors in this space. There are many issues to discuss about voting, but I'll just stick to one very important one, access. Republicans limit access to voting. They are not for mail in voting and continue to close down polling places forcing thousands of citizens to stand in line for hours. If they really cared, they would make it easier for the citizens to vote. But we know that's not their goal. They win when fewer people vote. So, whatever means to achieve that, that's what they'll do.
I just asked Google why it's search is complete shit now?
At least it isn't being biased, lol 🤪
Too bad that's not a thing.
One more reason to deny Trump another term.
Damn, you're right. My bad. You can't be a Boomer until after WWII, duh that was silly. Thanks 👍
Any suggestions? 🤔
This is what we get when the Boomer mind set is still in charge. Hopefully a younger person would have only supplied Israel with defense, Iron Dome, etc... and not weapons, bombs to attack. Unfortunately we are stuck with the choice of 2 Boomers.
I still don't get how there are one issue voters. Trump would be much worse on this many other issues to say the least. Giving Trump 4 more years to further wreck our democracy and appoint more Far-Right Supreme court justices is totally short sighted. I've been voting since 2000 (Edit: this kinda makes me sound like a douche, "I've been voting for years so listen to me!" Sorry aboot dat), and protest votes or not voting only gets Republicans elected. Just like Paul Weyrich said Paul Wayrich
But both sides! They're the same! Blah blah blah. Politicians are politicians, but the Republicans do absolutely nothing to actually better the lives of their voters. Republicans answer only to the pursuit of absolute power and their wealthy donors. End rant....
Conservative "Free Market Values" at play
The American Taliban
So many of these "AI" pictures have the same style. It's funny that they are now feeding on other "AI" images. I can't wait till they become the stupid version of Micheal Keaton from Multiplicity.
If a business cannot survive paying its employees a liveable wage then it should not exist. Businesses that do not pay a livable wage but can afford to are exploiting its employees.