Your experience/statistic there is very different from my experience. It definitely depends where you are and how high-end the place is.
Place I work now, most tips are cash, by a substantial margin. Even when paying with card about half of our customers tip cash, and most transactions at this place are cash anyway. Places I worked previously were like a 50/50 split if people paid more often with cash or card, and again about a quarter of people paying card still tip cash.
Maybe because this is a low cost of living area, and everyone knows moving claims cash tips, maybe because it’s all small town stuff, idk.
Most people who work the service industry don’t claim cash tips, but credit tips are required to be claimed due to the whole being electronic and traceable thing.
If, as a service person, most or all tips are in cash, you just claim whatever brings you to minimum wage for that pay period.
This is obviously heavily dependent upon where you work - some places want you to claim all tips (but you still don’t claim cash usually) others, especially if you make above min wage like most bartenders, don’t care.
However, if you don’t claim those tips you can’t use that as income when taking out loans and applying for housing and whatever else. So it’s fucks people over pretty regularly.
Imagine being a doctor telling a couple their fetus died because of a sonic hedgehog gene mutation, tho. (This does happen)
Like, it won’t matter in another few hundred years, but culture is difficult right now.
Makes me wonder if the romans did meme shit like that. They graffiti shitposted and whatever so..
Luckily nobody asks me what I would name shit because my pets are testament to my complete lack of creativity. 😊
I mean I’m sure that’s the logic or something but..
Man it just feels wrong. Like the sonic hedgehog gene feels wrong. You know?
I thought for sure, for sure this was bullshit. For sure Linux doesn’t have a touch command. What could it possibly do.?
Changing timestamps and creating empty files..
Of course, that makes so much sense. 🤔
Can any of this be weaponized to protect a property?
Can any wireless be..? Ideally without frying anything locally like an EMP.. “you mean an emp? No, and EMP!”
I mean that’s a big question..
Most of the stuff I struggled too much with I’ve forgotten about, tbh. I like to try to find everything I can, and I’ll sit on stuff for months if I have to.. I’m definitely a data hoarder. I have 498 cartoon series and most of them aren’t anime or pre 1990s. But I have adhd and no attention span so sometimes i just give up.
Specific things that have caused significant issues and I’ve already watched and enjoyed: wolfboy and the everything factory, Elliot from earth, crossing swords, costume quest, human discoveries. I know a lot of the ones on my to-watch list were also tantrum inducing and I have a whole ass list of others I can’t find at all
But most of the stuff that’s had the fewest seeds and leeches has been stuff from the last 10 years, especially the last 5, if it wasn’t on syndication (and even a lot of that is painful to get)
Carrier pigeons make an excellent bandwidth benchmark though.
Sneaker networks (flash drives stores in sneakers) are still some of the highest bandwidth out there.
I’m not so sure it didn’t have a target audience so much as it was a casualty of the shift to dispersed streaming where everyone pays a ton for platforms so they only consume what’s on it.
It just dropped at the wrong time and didn’t see widespread chatter because everything is so fractured.
It feels like these days things need to either be picked up by a platform willing to ride it out (like Apple+ seems to be), or find some way to get a solid piracy footprint before the contract ends. And that’s a tall order for animation not aimed at kids, sadly.
But most of the best animation in the last 5-ish years is super difficult to find on most piracy sites.. so nobody gets a chance to actually see if they like it.
I don’t know anything about it, so hopefully someone else has more experience, but I found this, so I assume the answer is yes.
Missed opportunity for “does not owlways mean”, but cute grump either way ;)
I really enjoyed both the plot and the animation honestly. I’ve only watched through it once so far so I’m probably not remembering everything (I have a lot of “new” stuff I want to see), but despite not getting more seasons, I personally felt it was decently self-contained.
I really liked the whole internal/interpersonal conflict with the main character, and making the …position? purely based on compromise.
Honestly there’s several weird pseudo-deep lyrics in that song so.. maybe. He does use graying to describe the tower at the start. I think it’s probably just happenstance and pronunciation tho.
Hmm, would you consider this an iron overdose instead?
Requires medical attention and all ;)
Mirrors don’t exist in my dreams, I don’t think.. I’ve never seen one that I’m aware of, anyway.. and I have a quite extensive lucid dreamscape.. interesting.
I find the easiest thing to do is check my pulse. I don’t replicate that in dreams, so I don’t feel anything where my heartbeat should be.
Only downside is I’ll never realize when I’m actually dead.
I had a similar training selling stuff for a remodeling company.
I quit on the second day of training. It felt gross, and I told them I was really uncomfortable with their tactics and that’s 100% why I was quitting..
I also don’t watch tv and go out of my way to avoid ads :) pihole on the network, Plex and physical media for media needs.
Hey candy land is difficult. I mean how can you play after you eat all the candies? Plus hospital tables aren’t ever big enough for the board!
When I was young we averaged moving every 4.5 years, but for reasons, I got very accustomed to changing environments every year or so, and as an adult I’ve struggled to stay in one place for the clean start it offers, but moving is so expensive now, and I don’t like driving anywhere near enough to be a nomad van dweller type.
I can maybe do it one more time in the near future, assuming money and housing values don’t tank first, but that’s probably it for the rest of my days. I hope it really scratches the anxious itch for change, cuz if not..
I’d rather not have robot bees. I’ve seen hated in the nation (black mirror episode).
Yeah but then they wouldn’t be able to sell 1,000,000 copies for $65 with all the little plastic bits that will get lost as soon as the box opens and need to be replaced.
You clearly aren’t thinking enough about the shareholders.. For shame.
But I do agree. I like when breweries, cafes, and bars have board games, but it really sucks to have to go to a money-spend place to play them. I wonder if libraries have them, or would be willing to host a game day or something.