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\#FBPE \#LongCovid \#Psychology \#UBI \#ClimateCrisis \#Health \#Humanity

All other labels and hashtags can be summarised in that last one - #Humanity. I only ever want to interact with people who embrace it in its myriad forms.

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Right now, could you prepare a slice of toast with zero embodied carbon emissions?
  • @jackofalltrades @18107 @ajsadauskas

    By voting for the parties who don't take any donations from corporations.

    By voting for candidates who don't rely on wealth accumulated from investing in those big corporations.

    By understanding what greenwashing is, not falling into a trap of culture wars, and recognising that majority of people have more in common with poor people than with the super rich.

    By understanding that the super rich trade their humanity for cash, every time.