I have found Anna's Archive to be more reliable than sci-hub
How often does this actually happen? The cases where this does occur stand out because they are rare. I really hate the implication that scientists are not trustworthy because some individuals acted in bad faith. Scientific fraud is real but it doesn't mean you can't trust science.
I meant stuff like that discord or the rust discourse. If you aren't having luck there your best bet is probably sending cold emails to faculty that have expertise in the field you need.
I can't help with your search but I really think you should look into using Julia instead of rust. It provides excellent speed with the usability of Python and is growing in popularity among the scientific community. There are a few very good Geospatial libraries out there that you would probably find useful too.
Either way I recommend reaching out on the official language communities that tend to have more academics in them.
The geothermal gradient is different at different parts of the earth. You can probably bake a pizza at much shallower depths at the mid ocean ridge, near a volcano, or even at an active orogeny.
Did you try any of these and not like it? Yes -> geology
That's a fair point. It still is a misleading plot since it isn't an estimate cod population, and isn't representative of population after 1992. As you said the numbers are still bleak. I found this plot
, Source , which does tell a similar story around the early 90s but indicates greater recovery in more recent years.
This is kind of misleading since they closed the fishery (I think in the 90s), so the amount of cod catch would naturally plummet. The fishery did, however, need to be closed due to overfishing.