AI Kingdom - Lemmy's AI Safe Space
Tired of all the abusive garbage users and communities? We are too! Join and don’t be an asshole.
Hey, I’m keep it short, sweet and simple.
Perchance is from my experience an AI Platform that fills with communities of all topics. However, there’s lots of assholes who are negative towards other AI Developers because they’re envious because they suck.
Join AI Kingdom, a place to learn and have fun. No assholes.
AI Kingdom - Lemmy's AI Safe Space
Tired of all the abusive garbage users and communities? We are too! Join and don’t be an asshole.
Hey, I'm keep it short, sweet and simple.
Perchance is from my experience an AI Platform that fills with communities of all topics. However, there's lots of assholes who are negative towards other AI Developers because they're envious because they suck.
Join AI Kingdom, a place to learn and have fun. No assholes.
oooh 13 people like their screens screenshotted every 5 seconds and their every keypress logged then sold. 😂💀
Kind of crazy to think someone needs to go on to other people’s posts to feel some type of entitlement over someone else’s generators because they’re insecure. Go imagine, huh? Does it strike your envy? You “fondler”. Yeah, maybe I’m a lazy bastard because I’m tired of all the hidden “Terms” to “free tools”. But, let’s be real— envy strikes from other perspectives; seems like you’re just upset you didn’t think of the idea yourself. If I were in your shoes, I’d probably feel the envy too. But, hey— not all of us have something positive to do about our day; so some of us choose to just be negative. Does that sound about right? But, want anything to do with… What? A generator? 🤣 Maybe you should look a little more into “how to support Perchance” first. 💀
Have a good day! 😏
Image Metadata Remover
Are you tired of all these AI companies saying you don’t own your own AI Generations you’ve worked tirelessly to perfect?
We work hard to perfect our Prompts to generate stunning images we can use— hopefully, freely and limitless.
>Fortunately, doesn’t embed metadata in generated images (thank you for allowing us to own our own generated content).
However, sometimes we need to use other sources from other platforms for other projects; which could be pretty pricy and unfair.
That’s why this tool was created, to remove all the metadata from your generated images so you can own them without worry of the platform owners claiming they own your hard-work.
Meet your new favorite tool, upload as many images as you want— we’ll instantly strip them, rename them to a hash and provide you the full ZIP.
Image Metadata Stripper:
Have fun! 👏
Never trust a Big Data Partner. 🤣
Thank you so much for that! I’ll try it as soon as possible. I’m stuck on, I think it’s the MacOS X 10.1.
Creepy. 😭
You’re telling me, maaan— they’ve been so up in their feelings lately. I bought a Mac OS X (old as fuck, I know) from some guy on Facebook and when I got home I reset it and set it up. Then Mac like —you can’t update this Model because *. Like— bruh… You won’t let me update this dinosaur to 2019? They have the ability because it is within its compatibility but they just don’t do it. It’ll start “Installing…” then it never starts or finishes. It just wastes my Internet running forever moving files back and forth forever then says “Update not allows for Mac OS X” like —WHAT THE FUCK?! How you going to act like I can update, then just give an error after a billion years wasting my internet then be like “Update not supported” or some shit? 🤦♂️ All these companies are freaking stupid.
Also, not trying to be smart or anything but Microsoft isn’t run by Bill Gates anymore. All these shady things started happening after he left. I think he allowed the Company to buy him out because he was getting too old. I’m not really sure on why he did/allowed that.
I’ve noticed Microsoft has been shitting all over Google lately too. I love it. Microsoft is marking them as malicious on most their Platforms now, they’re stripping their Access to lots of Features and Functions in the Edge Browser. Their Bing Search is updated in real-time based off the knowledge their Copilot AI learns so it’s always better and more reliable than Google anyways. Then, if you’re having issues you can Tap In Copilot AI then it’ll help you search for anything you need, you don’t even need an account —not even to mention how amazing their Copilot AI is— that is smarter than Siri ever will be and she suppose be on GPT’s newest Models. Yet, she just keeps telling me “I found this on the web for…”— Microsoft finally getting things done. I like it —however, I heard they have a new Feature though that Screenshots our PCs every 5 seconds then sends it to Moderation. What the Privacy Invasion is this? 😔
Not a chance.