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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 15
Could an “Army of Europe” Actually Happen?
  • A few years ago I would have been strongly against it. But now I believe it's a must. But it is easy to say we need an army of europe that will help with Ukraines defense when I wont me doing the military stuff. I would certainly not want to serve in an army. I am doing a year-long civil service to avoid the mandatory military service in switzerland. How many europeans are willing to serve to defend europe's borders?

  • Softer skin after only 8 days ???
  • It's really cool to talk with tgirls that are also started recently ! Until now everything was very theoretical. Now that there are some concrete effects (even slight) I am so excited to share and hear about other people's experience :D

    Thank you internet stranger for sharing. You are great :3

  • How did you know you were trans?
  • Crying in bed because I wasn't a girl should have been a definite tell :) But it always went better at some point before it became impossible to hold back so I never sought help. My teens were loops of doubts, then certainty but too scared to talk.

    In my later adolescence I realised I (or started to) liked guys, and I was able to to feel better about being one. And I had a few adventures with guys as a guy which felt great and I thus believed that my trans phase had passed, for a few years.

    During that time I often described myself as "I don't really care/I could be either, but people say I'm a guy so ok" but I still had a little (repressed?) desire to be seen as a girl. And I was weirdly emotional about being treated as a guy by laws that differentiate between men and women (military service/retirement age)

    Then I had to work as a kitchen assistant, mostly with women, and being treated as a non-woman by them felt really bad. (Previously I was in an environment that didn't really feel gendered) And the outfit made me look vaguely feminine and I liked it and awoke my desires to be seen as a girl and experiment with clothing and nail polish.

    As I experimented, it completely shattered my egg, I slowly came out to friends, and 14 days ago, started HRT!

  • Softer skin after only 8 days ???
  • I'm unsure. Maybe it got to the hips (not the ass, higher) maybe the belly, idk. I didn't take much weight in the end. My blessing/curse of never gaining weight might still be in effect :)

    My nipples are more sensitive but not budding yet. 14th E dose today

  • Softer skin after only 8 days ???
  • Oh I didn't mean your breast buds; even if my feeling of softer skin is placebo, well, the effect is still that I feel like I have softer skin.

    But like you said, having effects in the first week is possible so it's (my skin) probably not placebo in the first place

  • Softer skin after only 8 days ???
  • Oh great to hear it :D

    I don't know what kind of feeling I was expecting but I believed that I would be able to feel the change in hormones :p

    Also: My endocrinologist (spelling???) told me that quite quickly new fat would be deposited in girlies spots. I already ate quite a lot this weekend. Let's put this claim to the test^^

  • Softer skin after only 8 days ???

    Hey girls and friends, I am 8 days on hrt and I feel like my skin is already softer ??? Is it even possible or am I just imagining it?

    Nothing else seems to have changed.
