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Lats (314 ppm)
Lats (314 ppm) @ Lats

My home is in south eastern New South Wales. I have interests in: #climatechange as it seems the world many be a very unpleasant place for my kids and grandkids, the #environment for a similar reason, #physics as it makes our civilisation possible, #astrophotography because it’s cool, #photography as I like capturing the moment, #renewableenergy as it’s the only way out of the #climatecrisis, renewable powered vehicles as #evs and hydrogen is the way of #fossilfuels. 
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Comments 3
85% Of Car Drivers Break 20mph Speed Limits, Reveals U.K.’s Department For Transport
  • @TDCN sounds great and would definitely be useful in #australia where there is continual news of unlicensed or habitually reckless drivers causing havoc. Maybe making owners responsible would start a shift in society where parents and friends need to their own role in this continuing drama.

  • So just imagine we let one man, and his company, buy most of the papers in our regional cities and small towns.
  • @ajsadauskas @australia why read #murdock press? It doesn’t report the news, only what they think will attract attention and further their political agenda. Effectively worthless and our politicians let them in. Says a lot about them too.