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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (



ssb: @nBtlZZz7NaDmIOcXdNk2D94nyKhQUsl/gm+n4LfEVhE=.ed25519

Posts 4
Comments 12
what caused you to get into Linux?
  • first just messing around with it, then starting selfhosting and then i started to dualboot just for fun, and one day i by mistake nuked my windows installation, so now i'm a full time linux user

  • What can you do on Linux that you can't do on Windows?
  • okay basically so many things sooo much better, first of all i can change any part of software of the os for any other one i like. I can fix my installation no matter how broken it is as long as the filse system is still intact.

  • Which communication protocol or open standard in software do you wish was more common or used more?
  • definitely some alternative internet mesh routing standart, just imagine if every device with wifi or ethernet could just extend the network without relying on an isp, yeah they could still serve as a fast backbone, but they just wouldn't be needed and no disaster could really ever disrupt the whole internet again

  • 2040 a hopeful and realistic Solarpunk movie about our future

    I loved the Movie 2040 by Damon Gameau. It’s really hopeful and shows us it’s possible to have a better future, the most important message today. I especially also like the focus to be on kids, because those are the people that will be living in and shaping the future. So watch this movie, show it to your kids and anyone who could benefit from a little more hope and Ideas!!


    2040 a hopeful and realistic movie about our future

    I loved the Movie 2040 by Damon Gameau. It's really hopeful and shows us it's possible to have a better future, the most important message today. I especially also like the focus to be on kids, because those are the people that will be living in and shaping the future. So watch this movie, show it to your kids and anyone who could benefit from a little more hope and Ideas!!


    Some interesting distributed networks (non-centrally controllable networks)

    some projects/ideas i found in the last couple of years, that try to solve our current problem of the internet being a centralized structure that is controllable by big corporations or governments and not so easily usable with mesh technology or when not being connected for long amounts of time


    If you need motivation for positive change, against despair:

    If you think the world is going to shit and need some motivation: Watch This Movie: Tommorowland/A World Beyond (2015)

    It inspires so so much to change the world even though you think it might not be possible.

    Praxis Post! (What Are You Working On?)
  • trying to advocate for sustainability, social justice, privacy etc. via my local and federal school councils, which have (even if it is quite limited) political power. And running some workshops for folks wanting to move to open source software.