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Jawaka Waka/Jawaka

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A rising road toll in the US. A rising road toll in Australia. Journalists give 1000 reasons why it could be happening.
  • @ajsadauskas @fuck_cars True enough. I’ve noticed a boom in those silly and huge Dodge Ram pickups around here of late. Also noticed that they have the same amount of seats and less inside storage than my tiny Honda Jazz.

  • A rising road toll in the US. A rising road toll in Australia. Journalists give 1000 reasons why it could be happening.
  • @fuck_cars @ajsadauskas I’m sure that’s all true in the cities but out in the bush the big problem is that drivers are usually morons. Most crashes are single vehicle. Drivers get bored. Drivers use their phones. Learners often pass me doing way over 100 km/h. Oh, and the roads are so much worse than in the city. These people wouldn’t survive five minutes in a busy conurbation.