I was more surprised that they kept Skype around that long.
You can add caraway seeds if you like, but realistically you really don't need more that cabbage and salt.
Foul play is not suspected
Does "foul play" include gas leaks, etc., or are those counted as accidents or similar?
That's from my webserver, green is community, yellow is local.
So your native nginx process covers ports 80 and 443. which ports does your NPM use? Are you trying to use the same ports? Because that'll most likely clash.
You can selfhost the complete service. Only their Console Is a paid service, should you want or need that.
One crowdsec instance later the scan connections went down to not a lot.
The ones from the applications which should do the proxying and serving.
BTW: you're using both Nginx Proxy Manager and Nginx in parallel? Native installations, docker, something else?
How are they configured?
What hardware do you have available then?
with similar capabilities
What's your budget?
Good question. I haven't really tried that yet, most of my media plays natively, sometimes the audio needs to be transcoded, but that's done by the CPU.
I moved from a 2700x to a 5700g. iGPU and faster than the old one, but compatible with my old mainboard.
My advice is to put all the server-y stuff on a server and use other machines for the rest. Far easier to keep that stuff separated, although you need an additional machine.
Feels like blaming others for not paying attention.
Well? What did you do?
Na toll, den Ohrwurm werd ich den ganzen Tag wieder nicht los. Ganz toll gemacht.
I see the 2A crowd is pretty silent on this. Who'd have thought...