If you would prefer this offline there's a "community style" for OsmAnd that goes for a very similar look here:
I think Trail Router is the simplest OSM based "give me a route" tool.
@Mannivu @scorpionix the Live updates are hourly not once a month.
I'm really looking forward to Mapcomplete Studio.
@bicycle @openstreetmap @osmberlin @wochenaufgabe that might be worth two paths in OSM
there is an open issue on one of the CyclOSM GitHub trackers here:
@ArbiterXero previously they did. Now there's Overture and it's not clear his long they will continue supporting OSM.
@huojtkeg I still find this worrying as an OSM contributor.
@IDatedSuccubi @beta_tester I have never encountered somewhere that's fully mapped in OSM.