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Infernal_pizza Infernal_pizza

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Comments 44
The content is free but the cost is not...
  • I take it you’ve not seen any of his videos? He plays around with incredibly powerful lasers and electronics etc

  • Questions about switching from iOS to GrapheneOS
  • Well I’ve now ordered a pixel, I’ll let you know how it goes

  • Arch Linux Developers To Remove Old Repositories To Simplify Repository Structure
  • I updated last night and there was a new pacman.conf.pacnew file

  • Child left behind
  • It’s 2012 and you’re the UK prime minister?

  • Questions about switching from iOS to GrapheneOS
  • Looks like there’s an iOS client for immich as well so I will give that a try! I’ll have a look on eBay, my only concern with not buying new would be battery longevity

  • Questions about switching from iOS to GrapheneOS
  • Does LineageOS let you bypass the strong authentication in the play integrity API? That’s probably my main concern with switching over as the main apps I use could become unusable in the future. GrapheneOS is probably a better fit for me at the moment but I have considered other options

  • Questions about switching from iOS to GrapheneOS
  • Do you know if WhatsApp allows dumping to main storage?

  • Questions about switching from iOS to GrapheneOS
  • Thanks, that’s useful to know!

  • Questions about switching from iOS to GrapheneOS

    With the recent news of Apple disabling iCloud encryption in the UK I'm wondering if now is the time to switch from iOS to GrapheneOS, however I have a few questions before I consider switching.

    Firstly I know the ideal way to use it is without Google play services, however it looks like thats needed for my banking app (which also apparently only works under the owner profile so I don't have the option of having a separate profile for Google play apps). I believe it would also be needed for notifications on Whatsapp and Facebook messenger (I know they're shit but I can't convince everyone else to move). In terms of how much data Google/Apple can harvest how does GrapheneOS with sandboxed Google play services compare to iOS which I believe also sandboxes all apps by default? I've always used iOS previously so I don't fully understand what Google play services does on stock Android or how much better the sandboxing truly makes it.

    Secondly what are the best options for backups? It seems like seedvault is USB only, ideally I'd like to be able to backup to my home server. The main thing would probably just be my photos and Whatsapp messages if its not possible to do full device backups.

    I also have a couple of questions about the pixel hardware. There's currently an offer on so I can currently get a pixel 7a for £280, that seems like a good price but I know the pixel 9a is releasing soon, is the 8a likely to drop much in price after that? I don't know how quickly the prices drop but considering the 8a is currently £500 I can't see it dropping to <£300

    Also I hear a lot of good things about the pixel cameras, is that still the case with GrapheneOS or is that just because of Google's proprietary camera app? I'm not a massive camera user so its not a deal-breaker either way.

    Lastly, I know this will mostly be speculation but I'd be interested in people's thoughts on the future of GrapheneOS and alternatives with stuff like the play integrity API. Do you think it will get to the point where 90% of apps no longer function or do you think most developers will ignore it?

    Jellyfin is not just good... but *better* than Plex now?!
  • Not that many, 6 seasons with 6 episodes each and a few specials. Maybe I do just need to leave it longer though, I’ll try again at some point

  • Jellyfin is not just good... but *better* than Plex now?!
  • I didn’t give it very long but it was literally just 3 films and 1 TV show

  • Jellyfin is not just good... but *better* than Plex now?!
  • I tried Jellyfin a few weeks ago and didn’t have much luck with it. I only added a couple of shows and movies just to test it but half of them just didn’t show in the library (even though it detected them as they showed in other places). Will it only show stuff in the library if it can pick up the metadata for it?

  • Burn Bright
  • Are you saying you want my personal disasters to be even worse than the collective disasters we’re all part of?

  • The Human Condition
  • Shut up Moon Moon

  • Meridia rule
  • Hey Dawnbreaker is a pretty cool sword!

  • Just edit the config file, so easy!
  • Oh god don’t get me started on SharePoint, I only recently discovered that disabling permission inheritance doesn’t actually disable permission inheritance…

  • Just edit the config file, so easy!
  • No Windows put everything in a GUI, then added a second GUI that didn’t quite have all the functionality of the first one so kept both around, then despite the second GUI existing for nearly 10 years it still couldn’t do everything the first one could and then they completely redesigned it rather than just introducing all the functionality from the first GUI, but they removed some of the functionality of the second GUI from the first GUI so now both GUIs are incomplete and full of functions that just link to the other GUI

  • Rule
  • In that case I’m tras