Racists have kids parks in gated communities and police don't shoot you for your skin color. Outside your ivory tower and in the hood is a world where sometimes you need to protect yourself to go to a park.
Gun control is racist
Unfortunately not, they're stuck in the building, and have no obligation to help you, they're there to protect the bank, not you. And you can see how well the "armed guard" helped in the YouTube video above: they weren't even armed nor were they there.
Sure, if they provide the same level of security we have at airports, and jails, which have the same restrictions, that's fine by me. Disarming legal ccws and providing no security is reprehensible.
When you live in LA you hear about shit happening all the time.
Because going from your vehicle to the bank, and from the bank back to your vehicle is not safe. There's nowhere next to the bank to deposit your weapon before entering, therefore the only way to carry on the way to the bank requires being armed inside it too.
And now having watched the video, it's clear to me that a bank will not keep you safe. I think allowing people with ccws to carry into banks is a good idea, given this kind of thing "happens every day".
I don't have stats on that particular situation, it's not tracked, but I could find a video within 2 seconds of looking that happened within the last two years: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cQeM0ilep5U
Armed robbery or all violent crime? Here's some stats: https://www.ppic.org/wp-content/uploads/JTF_CrimeTrendsJTF.pdf
tl;dr: there's a lot of crime in California, it's tracked. There's not a lot of cops and armed guards shooting people with legal ccws.
It's a concealed carry license, not open carry, and you're imagining a problem that I'm not even sure if it has ever happened in California, and if it has, it's very rare.
What about the far more common event of a criminal targeting a person who is leaving the bank and going back to their car to rob them of their new withdrawal? They should be able to protect themselves against lethal force.
You're worried about the people who have never once robbed a bank? Worry about the criminals without legal ccws.
Hey look, it's the same logic that racists use
Mass shootings happen in "gun free" zones. Legally carried guns are for the immediate defense of life. It isn't complicated.
I'm in the alpha, there's an NDA so I cannot discuss anything not already public, but I can say that what they have now is good, and I'm excited for the next phase.
I'm feeling warm and tingly inside
I don't see what any of this has to do with anything honestly. But go off.
I'd rather be shot with a modern hollow point today with modern medicine than shot with ball ammo and get the medical care from 300 years ago, but that's just me.
Yup my failure to learn is my complicity, it's all my fault. You sure know a lot about me. I'm going to need a few to come up with a better reply though, I've been coughing up straw all day.
Yup, you're right, because millions of people have owned guns legally for hundreds of years, it's their fault and blood is on their hands for this mass shooting.
You're right. If we only banned guns this would stop.
These are really great ideas. If only we had manditory registration, a high age restriction for guns (why not 35? That's the same age you have to be president right?), and really strong red flag laws (seems like we need to take the guns from people in the military, they don't seem to be fit to have guns), there's a chance this shooting wouldn't have happened.