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Washington Post Drops Eye-Popping Report on The ‘MAGA Doms’ and ‘Libtard Subs’ Infiltrating Kink Communities
  • “During their encounter, Wolf reportedly told the student, ‘I will tear your a– apart if you ever vote for Donald Trump or any other stinking conservative Republicans. I’ll let you go into moderates. But if I hear Trump or Cruz or even any member of the Bush family, you’re not going to sit down for days.’”

  • Oregon's first-in-the-nation drug decriminalization law faces growing pushback amid fentanyl crisis
  • Source: I live and work here, I voted for the law initially and I have seen it fail. IMO this trumps your “a l portugal” source, you ignorant fucking dunce.

    Come live and work in our communities and you will see as virtually everyone here does that the measure has failed because there is ZERO INCENTIVE for anyone selling or using these drugs to do anything but continue to sell and use. As I said in a previous comment, repercussions include mandatory treatment. You people are detached and moronic.

  • Oregon's first-in-the-nation drug decriminalization law faces growing pushback amid fentanyl crisis
  • Massive leap, but typical for a shit for brains. I just work and pay taxes here, but yeah no I’m a fascist because I think people shouldn’t be tweaking on P2P meth in broad daylight in front of our businesses and fucking children.

    Are you from Oregon? Do you live here? Do you see it? If not, shut your ignorant fucking mouth. Repercussions include mandatory treatment. I’m not saying we should lock people away in solitary, but the current system of ZERO repercussions whatsoever is not working. Doesn’t make me a fascist to point it out. Go fuck yourself.

  • Oregon's first-in-the-nation drug decriminalization law faces growing pushback amid fentanyl crisis
  • Yeah fucking right. I work in downtown Salem. It doesn’t matter if half these people have “resources.” They’re here because they can get their fix without being harassed.

    You need repercussions in order for addicts to want to get clean. We don’t have any.

  • Authors of George Floyd book were told not to talk about systemic racism at Tenn. school event
  • “TRIGGERED,” “TRIGGERED,” Aniki typed over and over, their mouth filled to the brim with Hider9k’s piss. “This will trigger them!” Aniki exclaimed. As they did, little flecks of piss flew out and onto the floor, seeding Aniki’s world with Hider9k’s genetically modified piss soldiers. The piss soldiers grew and grew until they were of great stature, and began to piss into Aniki’s gaping (and definitely not triggered) mouth hole.