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Leaked Zoom all-hands: CEO says employees must return to offices because they can't be as innovative or get to know each other on Zoom
  • "look at places like Europe" is the clearest signifier of someone who has never left the States ever in their life.

    In Europe, there are 50 countries, over 150 distinct cultures, wildly different economies and styles of government representing each country, and over 746 million people living within European borders. Of those 746 million, 70% own their own home, compared to 65% of US Americans. Your generalization is absolute nonsense and you should probably not respond so confidently with your opinion.

  • What books get you out of your reading slump?
  • Monstrilio by Gerardo Sámano Córdova

  • Need suggestion novel(s)/series on medieval setting with good world-building. Prefer peaceful story with less warfares/politics.
  • I mean, Pillars of the a Earth, almost fits your description. There are no "wars" in the story, and the politics are local and minor to the story, but it is not exactly peaceful. Beautiful story though.