Ayyyy, there's tens of us!
Senior .net/c# engineer here.
Starting my first lead role in 4 days! Only 2 juniors under me but it's a start!
Ahh the solution is simple, in VS Code add these lines to your general config
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"editorError.foreground": "#00000000",
"editorWarning.foreground": "#00000000",
"editorInfo.foreground": "#00000000",
Then get the error lens extension, it's so much more pleasant. Visual example
Typescript would like a word. So would VS Code.
They ain't all misses.
Also O365, while convoluted, shouldn't run that shittily, sounds like your hardware/network is dated as f.
ADO is vastly better than it was years ago, the pipeline stuff is a lot slicker.
Bruh the refactoring is so goddamn amazing. And the shortcut to just automatically fix all indents? HNNNNNNNNG
My biggest beef with it though is that it has no visual designer for .net core winforms. Like what the fuck is that. If I need to bang out a propietary app for an enterprise client in 8 hours winforms is the avenue of choice. It might not be winning any popularity contests but goddamn is it easy to have a working product in mere hours.
VS Code SSH extension (with errorlens and shellcheck/pylance) literally changed my life. I cannot praise that shit enough.
Nah why dont you guys just have a separate VPS for each individual project and just sudo install every python package?
Yeah but is it really worse than python3-venv like some people act like it is? I just don't see it.
thats when you do
/usr/bin/python3.11 -m pip install
mother. fucking. hardcoded paths. 1 step forward, 10 steps backward.
I actually wrote a script to make a folder an instant pipenv environment for me. Add it to your ./.zshrc. Has saved me a ton of time, I just removed some spaghetti lines that would reinstall pip and shit because it's when I was still early days into Py dev, now I work more with Py than I do C# and I'm a senior C# engineer, I just enjoy the masochism of py.
Also added a check for Arch/Ubu.
# Automated python virtual environment.
if ! [ -x "$(command -v pipenv)" ]; then
echo "pipenv not installed... installing it now!"
sudo pip install pipenv
OS="$( ( lsb_release -ds || cat /etc/*release || uname -om ) 2>/dev/null | head -n1 )"
if [[ "$OS" == *"buntu"* ]]; then
sudo apt install pipenv -y
elif [[ "$OS" == *"rch"* ]]; then
sudo pacman -S pipenv
pip install pipenv --upgrade
echo "Installation complete!"
if [ -n "$1" ]; then
echo -e "Args detected, specifically using version $1 of python in this project!"
version=$(python -V)
version=$(echo "$version" | sed -e 's/Python //')
if [ -z "$version" ]; then
version=$(python3 -V)
if [ -z "$version" ]; then
echo "No python version installed... exiting."
echo -e "\n===========\nCreate a Python $version virtual environment in $PWD/.venv [y/n]?\n==========="
read -r answer
case $answer in
pipenv --python "$version"
pipenv install -r ./requirements.txt
echo -e "\n\n\nVirtual python environment successfully created @ $PWD/.venv!\n"
echo -e "To run commands from this dir use 'pipenv run python ./main.py'"
echo -e "To enter a shell in this venv use 'pipenv shell'."
echo -e "To install from a requirements text file use 'pipenv install -r requirements.txt'"
echo -e "To update pip + all pip modules use 'pipenv update'!\n"
echo -e "Additional information can be found @ https://pipenv-fork.readthedocs.io/en/latest/basics.html"
echo "Fine then weirdo why did you run the command then, jeez.Exiting"
echo "Invalid input..."