A theory: Biden and the DNC do not want to risk a primary process that could result in the nominee being Sanders or AOC, which could happen if Biden announced he was not going to run for reelection. So, he is officially running for reelection (still/ for now) and thus suppressing an open primary. However, if he were to step back from running late, Newsom's actions like this one would position him as a consensus nominee.
A hiccup in this theory is that usually, Harris as VP would be POTUS's successor (and she would be automatically, if anything happened after the convention). Harris could be positioned better as a next CA governor or maybe even VP again. However, the scope of her popularity is not all that high. Newsom and she could make a deal of some sort.
This article was a thrill to read. I had no idea that any clothing designed in the software could be printed out onto specialized fabric paper so it could be worn on the doll in real life! Plus the software rendered 3D models of any design quickly on home computers of the time! This is incredible stuff from a technical accomplishment standpoint. I'm glad they're getting recognition in museums; well deserved
My biggest frustration with copyright is in situations when the item is out of print or rights owned by an entity that has dissolved. There really should be a way to republish such works without waiting many decades for it to be in public domain.
I used to not tip for takeout (since I had thought there was not really "service"), but I've since learned that the packaging for take away can be rather involved. So, I do tip now for the labor of readying the meals to go