I kind of agree, but do their audiences actually question anything without being told to?
Exactly this. And writing it down gets it out of your head so you won’t do the old ADHD Loop the Loop about it
Fun fact: Kid Rock is the human version of the above-ground pool.
Everyone repeat with me: RAID IS NOT BACKUP.
Basically this. We had it after church most sundays because of how easy it was to make. I miss her.
Pick up the originals on eBay. They won’t get any of the money?
I used to be an Apple Certified Technician and had to replace the neck in that G4 and oh my god it was sooooo much work…
This is beautiful.
Kid Rock is the human version of an above-ground pool.
This is god-tier duct tape…
The biggest question is did you pay for a license?
Congrats. Just bought a copy! Looking forward to reading it!