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Transperson. She/Her preferred, They/Them fine.

I do art stuff, and music stuff, and writing stuff. I love video and tabletop games, and hope to some day incorporate that into Something That Makes It Big.

Very Political.

Photo: cartoon image of woman, blonde curly hair, broad toothy smile, three quarters turned to face right.


Posts 1
Comments 3


Hi. I'm one of the millions of AFGNCAAP users of your browser, and have been since like 2005.

I've stuck with you through memory leaks, and through struggles loading basic sites, and through security issues at my bank because they were idiots and you were safer to use than they wanted you to be.

So... please. Don't start pulling a Chrome about giving my data to advertisers.

Adding tracking in is bad enough. Not opting out by default is worse. Not ASKING ME TO?! That's being petty.

Adobe Express doesn't work in Firefox
  • @snakesnakewhale

    And because I know it will come up:

    No, I don't like relying on Windows for things either, hence as much of my suite of software being cross-platform as possible.

    I'm willing to go Windows more than Apple simply because, while Windows has a bit of a stranglehold, it's one of apathy rather than malice (like I feel much of Apple's exclusivity and control is.) Windows' hold on gaming and productivity markets is dying as Linux gains a stronger foothold, as it should.

  • Adobe Express doesn't work in Firefox
  • @snakesnakewhale

    Pirating the stuff wouldn't counter a lot of my ethical reasons for not using Adobe (and would arguably undermine them too.)

    I don't like the idea of a single-sourced software solution becoming the basis for entire creative and professional industries. Hardware either, for that matter, but that's a different issue.

    So I don't use Adobe. I avoid using MS Office.

    Probably a silly hill to die on if it comes down to it, but I turned down a 1700 dollar free Macbook on principle.

  • Adobe Express doesn't work in Firefox
  • @Yoz @Gregu

    Pretty much this TBH. Like, complaining that Adobe doesn't want to support Firefox is like complaining because your Norton Antivirus doesn't like your VPN. It's kinda to be expected.

    Combining that with all the anti-Microsoft talk in the thread just makes it funnier to me, as a combination Linux and Windows user who uses almost an entire program suite of free or cheap alternatives to the big names (Krita/Blender/etc. instead of Adobe, Firefox, LibreOffice, etc.)

    Am I the weirdo?