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Grumbling Game Master
Grumbling Game Master @ GrumblingGM

Living in Antwerp, Belgium.

Forever Game Master. Mainly Old School Renaissance and Free League's Year Zero Engine.

Regularly running games at Outpost in Antwerp & Delierium in Lier; online via Foundry VTT.

PS: Grumbling is a play on the word Grognard in the colloquial meaning of an old school player. I'm not actually grumpy unless it's early morning and I haven't had my coffee yet.

Posts 0
Comments 3
Against splitting RPGs into OSR, DIY, Indie, Story Games, etc.
  • @kensanata

    Tough one. When I'm running CWN, an OSR Cyberpunk, I'm honestly more interested in posts from BX players (regardless of setting), rather than posts from Sprawl or Shadowrun players - who are playing Cyberpunk but with very different sensibilties. The BX posts can help me run the game while Sprawl posts at best can serve as setting inspiration, which I don't really need.

    But it's probably useful to always specify additional tags beside just OSR or Indie.

  • Against splitting RPGs into OSR, DIY, Indie, Story Games, etc.
  • @kensanata Sorry. I wasn't sure what the best way was to use and Mastodon, so I made an account on both, but I guess it's confusing if I'm using the same name and pic both places. :P Still learning how to Fediverse.