Completely agree. My partner isn't always what I want but more often than not when you find your partner they are the ones that make you feel better after a particularly rough day
Neither of these statements have come to fruition yet thank God. Both the people and software are still there. And I'm hoping it stays that way. But things change real quick so I'm not holding my breath.
Your argument lacks credibility. If people didn't like extremes then we'd have similar outrage from those centrists when Elon Musk throws a Nazi salute or when people hurt cops and storm the Capitol building. Instead we get apologists and excuses. Meanwhile protestors of injustice are treated as if they've committed genocide caused they hurt a Walmart and people actually committing genocide get excused.
People don't worry about extremes. They worry about change of the status quo.
Also, the systemic issues within our country and the ability to ignore the system as a whole by the privileged is what gives you the power to say something like "reeorting to violence as a first resort" as if we haven't had ample evidence of attempts to bring accountability and change to the system that just gets ignored. Not only is it not a first resort but to the people who are suffering daily... Why should they care what level of resort it is? We excuse businesses for doing whatever it takes because "shareholder value" but when it comes to the poor and suffering they just follow the exact letter of the law and then some.
It's not about extremes and never has been.
The Moonlander (my first foray into ergo keyboards) landed on my doorstep the same day i got the email announcing this. My heart dropped thinking they made Moonlander 2.0 but thankfully it's just different. I want some tenting and don't need portable but it does look nice.