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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Hezbollah Says Israel Dropping Leaflets with 'Very Dangerous' Barcodes in Lebanon
  • if it automatically goes to that website and the website downloads malware to your device, well, I wonder... Certainly trackers could be put on you that way. I am convinced that is why TAILS makes you go to their website before it allows you to go to the Dark Web or Tor.

  • Putin issues a nuclear warning to the West over Ukraine
  • Iran is my guess. Putin loves Europe - including Germany. Putin loves his people and white people. He is forced into this predicament and takes no joy in it. Russia has vast resources that others want. They also have new ports, sea routes, and highways - great new trade routes that threaten to affect western income.

  • Putin issues a nuclear warning to the West over Ukraine
  • most westerners no longer live in reality. They make short poses for Facebook or Tiktok or Snapchat, they play video games for hours, they do anything to avoid researching both or all sides and to practice foresight, discipline, introspection. They numb themselves with constant convenience foods, porn, screentime of any sort, drugs, alcohol, etc. My hope for these warmongers are that they are forced to fight in the frontlines -even if they are female or 65 or have diabetes. Volunteering others to suffer isn't "adulting".

  • Censorship GenkiFeral

    CA bill to censor medical professionals Odysee

    Explore a whole universe of videos on Odysee from regular people just like you!

    #DuckDuckGone is trending on twitter after CEO tweets intentions to censor russian disinformation
  • Yandex is not only a WEF member, but they also have an agreement with Uandex to allow Yndex browser to use Microsoft Suite - so i distrust it. Seeing that Microsoft has a contract with Ukraine gov't, I suspect if Yandex isn't filtering results yet, they will soon. The Hated One replied to me that Yandex (email or browser, idk) is worse than Google because Russian laws differ from those in the US.

  • You don't believe in viruses huh?
  • that's a good one. never heard them say that, though. I've seen the same attitude from COnsevative Christians, though, as I have from some zealous covid-will-kill-us-all nuts: they both glady burn you at the stake for not living the way they want you to. They both judge and judge and judge - but, say YOU shouldn't judge others.

  • Why do i "fear" nostalgic,old,familiar things?
  • Many of us fear feeling too deeply. I'd guess that is why so many of us escape into things that take us away from reality: soap operas/entertainment TV; drugs, alcohol, other addictions such as promiscuous sex that could hurt us, gambling, compulsive shopping that ruins our finances, etc. An online friend introduced me to vippassanna and sent me a wonderful poetic one-page article about it (lost it) and that helped a lot. Taoism and stoicism has similar teachings or thinking. It helps.

  • Which smartphones are most private? Is a Google Pixel + GrapheneOS really the most private way?
  • Right and wrong are relative to some extent and always have been and always will be. Who is to say the religious fundamentalist's 'decency' is better or worse than (the obvious opposite) a Progressive's? Who is sole arbiter of the truth? Shouldn't it be more up to the individual? What ever happened to "Live and let live"?

  • Which smartphones are most private? Is a Google Pixel + GrapheneOS really the most private way?
  • My rights end where yours begin and vice versa. My main point will always be "you do you" or "good fences make good neighbours" or don't trespass on my property or in my mental space. Values differ from individual to individual - even within close-knit families or within causes. As long as you don't infringe upon another's freedom (I include all animals - wild and domestic), you should be able to do as you please. Both Left and Right have one thing in common - both try to shove their values ("decency") down the throats of others. Fuck you both equally. If that (do as I say) mindset isn't offensive, then i don't know what is! Be as this or that as you like, but preaching to me when I don't wanna hear it is going to breed resentment. That is you wasting my time and mental energies. Live by your own values and if I see that you are content, healthy, and successful in one manner or another, maybe I will adopt some of your ways WITHOUT your saying one word to me. Proselytizing or 'teaching' me is so often rude.

  • Which smartphones are most private? Is a Google Pixel + GrapheneOS really the most private way?
  • can't you stick to the OS and hardware (facts) and leave politics/opinions outta this? the community does matter if you need help, but how in the hell do they know your race, sex, or politics unless you wear them on your sleeve?