What's the new ToS?
You might be better off finding a political group based in your area and helping them campaign for your district.
One is Medi-Cal. The trouble ,from my uniformed opinion, is probably having to get funding through passing a proposition or law, establishing the personnel, making all the contracts with each provider and competition from private insurance companies.
I'm not entirely sure but it feels like a lot of people did not vote for Harris that did for Biden. If that's true, then it is the fault of those who did not vote. Harris isn't progressive but it's really a no brained. We reap what we sow.
Dude the arch manual sucks balls sometimes
I don't get what you mean. The executive orders are very much in the news. I've seen it on every major news station. Not like it really matters because trumpers are going to trump and many others don't care either way.
I just installed plasma and I love it. I have no experience with it before this year.
Might be a problem with your federation because I've seen plenty of posts.
Inflation will start to increase as well as the federal reserve cuts rates. Housing will become more expensive as a result and rent will follow shortly after.
Конечно, товарищ.
In cursive Cyrillic that's a the equivalent of letter "d"/д
Thats the point. A stand up citizen wouldnt even care. they may notice a easily stealable item but will just walk by.
i miss my note but I'll never own another Samsung phone again.
I loved seeing all the bike paths, but then on the other hand there weren't any mountain biking or dirt bike trails that I could see. Beer was cheaper than water, so that was cool too.
Was forced to have one of these when renting, and hated this garbage.
You could oven-bake your veggies, it's a similar but healthier option. I do like to pan fry my veggies too though.
Simple EV cars
Does anyone think that there'll ever be a simple EV car produced for market without all the extra junk found in most electric cars? Why or why not?
I don't see the need for the infotainment dash, personal data tracking, self-driving, lack of physical buttons, and lack or reparability.
Wouldn't it be nice to have an EV that is probably cheaper without all that forced extra stuff? Can't we just have a simple EV that has an electric engine that is reliable, cheaper, and doesn't have a need for constant software updates? Maybe you can work on it in your garage for the most part for simple maintenance.
I'd really like to have an EV one day but seems like they are all super expensive, have no sense of ownership like typical cars, are constantly tracking you, and are trying to shove extra features down your throat.