Isn’t it in the nature of memetics that they evolve?
So, do we refer to them as “re-fired beings”?
I’ll see myself out
Was libertarian in college. Realized that a key facet of libertarian thinking involves the ideas that “government is a necessary evil” and that “government exists to keep one person’s freedoms from infringing on another’s.” Which led me to consider that if it’s a necessary evil then government should work for the majority of people. Further, government’s “umpire” role should apply to the rich since their freedoms are often infringing on mine and others’ (and wealth is a form of power that needs its own checks).
Anyway, I think I lean more toward communitarian politics nowadays.
Upvoted for that “stable geniuses” line. Perfect
The Ice Cubes app for Mastodon has a trending function, but it’s based solely on aggregating boosts and favorites (from what I can tell). The Impressia app for Pixelfed has this as well, but it offers the options to see trending posts or tags, etc. (I’ve found Impressia to be way better than the Pixelfed app on iOS, tbh).