Of course Milei was greeted in a Friendly manner by Meloni. Both are puppets of the American powers and Milei is now a valuable puppet. With all the oil revenues that are going to end in the pockets of the Wall Street executives there is a lot to be happy.
Yes, but the next government will put it on a bigger scale. Maybe it will not cost as much as the banks bailouts, but it will absorb a lot of money and the burden will fall as usual on the middle classes which make the majority of the population. Part of the burden may be deferred by piling up on the government debt, but eventually it will have to be paid by the usual ones.
This is just an observation of what's happening. As it says the Thatcher cycle is completed, the new cycle is beginning.
BTW It is interesting to note how the linked article accurately avoids to talk about the real issues and what is really triggering the protest.
The classic corporate driven edulcoration.
In Argentina there is the opposite cycle compared to the UK. Now It is time to privatise the profits.
The real crucial point are the oil revenues. For decades the government paid for the painful work to create the infrastructure to exploit the oil reserves in the basin of the Vaca Muerta in Patagonia. Now the oil fields are going to produce and produce profits. That is when Milei enters the scenes and decideds to sell everything to the privates. This is the moment when the fight is at its peak because the sale date is approaching.
Reposted because of an error in the title. It seems you cannot correct wrong titles.
In the UK it's time to nationalise the losses
The elections are approaching and the polls show that the conservative are trailing. Is it a surprise? The leader makes image of the party, how much can a rich guy of Indian origin connect with the British public? Not at all. There could still be the appeal to the other British indian, after all the statistics say that British of Asian descent make a big minority, but a big chunk of them originates from Pakistan and on them Sunak is likely to have the opposite effect. There is also the big share of British Indians who are concentrated in Urban areas where the rest of the population overwhemingly votes for labour, they won't bring any support. For what matters all the other voters Sunak is definitely not a popular character as was Boris Johnson when the Tories won the election.
What I say is quite obvious to the experts and the Tories have a team of very good analysts. Why are they sticking with Sunak? Because they want to lose, they could not carry out the work that must be done now. The privatisations of the Thatcher era have exhausted their purpose. Big finance extracted all the value they could squeeze from the privatised services and they now they hold big piles of debts. it's time to nationalise the losses.
It's not just Thames Water. The railways have been asking for money for quite some time. Wales and Scotland already nationalised the local networks. The rest of the work already started, now it's time to complete it.
Look at how the politician rise through the rank today. They depend on a captive media system and on social networks controlled by big business. The only politicians you can get are those who serve the purpose of those in power. Someone who wants to aim higher will never be able to run for election. It's just a dream.
It seems you don't get it. The purpose of the nationalisation is not to restore the services, but to take over the debts. After few decades they will be privatised again. This is just another cycle.
overpopulation is not measured by how many people you can pack into a telephone booth. Overpopulation in measured by how many people the Earth resources can support.
We began to consume more resources than what the Earth can provide decades ago, when the population was less than six billion people. Not just fossil fuels, we are consuming fresh water, arable land and forests in a non sustainable manner. The wild fish population in the sea reached an all time low and we are still overfishing. Fish farming accounts just for a small fraction of our consumption.
The alarms by the World watch and other institutes began in the '70s. Nonetheless the world population kept increasing and it is still increasing.
They are telling provocative things on purpose. It is needed to create the fake debate that traps the public between two falsehood.
The heated tones and the strong arguments are meant to enrage people, drag them into the battle and push them to take one side and accept the arguments of that side without a proper deep thinking.
This is what big business want. Did you have a look at what the media think about electric cars? They always show either Tesla or big electric SUV and they tell you that they are green. Big business want to sell big cars even if they require a lot more energy and materials to be manufactured, even if they consume a lot more energy when they are on the road, even if they take a lot more space on the road and in the parking lots.
The only chance we have that I see is the rapid development of fusion into a proper, usable power source,
Fusion is a marketing story to distract the attention. It is so difficult to realize a practical commercial fusion technology that it will not be available this century for sure.
In any case as I explained in the other comment the root cause is overpopulation. Solving the energy problems might mitigate for a while the situation, but it will not solve the situation. Famines, conflicts and mass migration will happen anyway.
famines, conflicts and mass migration
This will happen for sure and the cause is not just climate change. The cause is overpopulation and exhaustion of the Earth resources.
To get an idea of the cost choose any cloud service and see how much you pay for the server usage by the hour. Try to llok at all the other costs involved in the business, production of dedicated content is not cheap. All the company staff, the administration and the billing have a cost.
Do not go by assumptions, measure, try to get an idea of the real costs.
cause that shit had a litany of privacy and security issues
You don't solve that by using another program. You try to reduce the damage by using the torrent client in a dedicated virtual machine and reset the machine to the original image at regular intervals.
I never used TikTok so I'm commenting on the assumption that now things are the same everywhere.
I can believe that there is a lot of manipulated content. But then when it comes to decide which content is manipulated and which isn't most of the time the decision is the opposite of the truth, except for that content manipulated on purpose to provide the false alternative and trap the discussion between two falsehoods.
Make a search on Bing, then make a search on DuckDcukGo. Compare the results. You'll find out that DuckDcukGo is just a front end for another site that provides links to business affiliates.
They let people believe that streaming is cheap, but it is not. A server can send streams to many people at the same time, but not so many as it seems and sever up time is a cost, in terms of energy and in terms of sysadmin time. Maintenance of the network is also expensive, especially in the US where most of the people live in low density neighbourhoods.
To that you have to add the cost of the big data servers that check everything people look at and profile their customers.
The dirty cheap subscriptions were meant to attract new customers, the service was heavily subsidized. The companies looked profitable just because other companies bought more ad space than necessary. Overadvertising is the preferred method to give stealth subsidies, but it is a cost for the other businesses of the network. After a while they have to shift those costs to the customers.
Is it a move to save money or a move to weaken the position of all those employees who objected to the questionable contracts with many intelligence agencies?
I can bet that they will ensure that the new employees will be selected among those who have no qualms.
Will self driving trucks hit the roads with nobody on board or will they keep a human supervisor?
According to the news self driving trucks are about to hit the road with no driver on board.
But according to this book that is not going to happen. The author says that the real purpose is to get rid of the skilled drivers and replace them with underpaid button pushers.
Will they really do that? What's going to be the situation few years from now?