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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Connecting several tracks to the same pad
  • As other have mentioned, what you got is fine for most basic applications. If you use a polygon pour you can decrease the resistance of the trace and consolidate it all into one large trace. I also see you using traces for ground, the general rule is if you have the room, make all the unused space on at least one of your layers ground with a polygon pour. This makes connecting ground easier, makes your ground more reliable (decreased resistance) and makes your board less susceptible to external noise

  • 555 based PWM Dimmer not working only with LED strips
  • There is a couple of things I would suggest looking into. First just make sure the LED strip still works, then try a adding a current limiting resistor to the strip, even if it already has one it could help. A unity gain buffer could help as well. I also noticed that there is no active regulator on it, and all the work is put on a zener so I would also say either jank in an active regulator or even easier, supply it with a regulated rail