Should we make a Lemmy equivalent?
I, too, look forward to its legalization! Frankly, it's alcohol that should be banned, but I know we'll never have that..
Yes, and you can even download a local swipe package for it. I think it can't do open-source speech-to-text, but that's a small price to pay for a nearly fully key-customizable keyboard.
He may as well go without images, too, and use Lynx Browser, haha. I can't even figure out how to install that one!
Have you beaten FTL on Hard yet?
frequently using marijuana for anxiety has similar drawbacks to frequently using medications like benzodiazepines
That's because users almost always take too much. One should never smoke anything (you can't measure any dosage this way), and one should always cut things into pieces: cookies, brownies, edibles; even ¼ of a gummy is often enough. People severely underestimate how powerful this stuff is. It's medicine and should be respected as such.
I'm glad I don't live in your complex!
Yeah, install Vimium in your browser and try to access every link on any given website mouselessly.
I personally find fading-in of web elements in scroll to be annoying. Cookies should also have an immediate one-click reject-all button directly visible without having to enter any menu.
Oh, also, any links that are inaccessible by Vimium are annoying.
I'll be a Guinea pig and install it. It's only 35kb; what could possibly go wrong?
... nor much of anything else on Earth, for that matter.
I'd never heard of it until now and am so far okay sticking with Windscribe.
I thought it was okay
Finished the main game twice
Well, we must have very different definitions of "okay," then. That sounds like it was more than okay if you could go through the whole thing twice!
Man, kudos getting through the first one. I couldn't stand it.
Could Hero's Hour fit the bill?
Prey is one fantastic game.
because an epic JRPG with 86 possible endings
Wait, what?
CrossCode's dungeons don't get better, sadly; they're almost all ricochet puzzles. I watched the remainder of it on YouTube.
That's ironic because I've generally gotten way more enjoyment out of specific indie games than AAA. Whatever floats your boat, I s'pose.
Hail, fellow ex-redditor!
I had no idea until now that Junk-Store existed, probably because I'm part of the PC master race. It sounds like it's entirely for the Deck.
That is really cool that you know the Heroic devs. Tell them that it really needs a last-added sorter so we can see what was most recently added to our collective libraries.
What app/program do you browse through Lemmy with?
Thunder has been making me feel right at home relative to Reddit, personally! !