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There was a Star Trek 2.0 series on G4 over a decade ago and the commercials were wild
  • From what I recall, the reason they called it “Star Trek 2.0” is that when the episodes aired, they had trivia and other information about the episode along the side and bottom of the screen. It was a cool experiment before G4 just decided to become the Cheaters Channel.

  • Gizmodo has more to say about the Prodigy cancelation fallout
  • I never watched Prodigy, but seeing Paramount fall into the same pattern as HBO Max by summarily removing content will guarantee that I cancel my current subscription and take to the high seas.

    With physical media dying off or at least not prioritized, this compounds the situation because for a lot of these shows there’s no hard copy of the media that you can fall back on or keep as a personal archive; it’s all up to the whims of whoever’s in charge at the moment.

    It makes the alternative far more practical.

  • How and Why GATES MCFADDEN Was ‘Fired’ From Her Role in STAR TREK
  • I’ve heard her and the other actresses talk about that first season at conventions and it’s hard to shake the feeling of how dire that show was for all of them during that season. McFadden fired, Crosby quits, and Sirtis thought she was being let go (the writers had stopped speaking to her/producers had stopped taking meetings with her) up until Crosby quit. She believes the only reason she was still on the show is because Crosby quit before they could fire her.

    The show lost 2 out of 3 lead actresses going into the second season. Not a great look.

  • Interview: ‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ EPs On Spock’s Arc, Klingon Design, Gorn Canon & Season 3
  • The only Gorn cannon I recognize is the rudimentary implement constructed by Captain Kirk in Arena.

    But in all seriousness, I understand being precious about canon and having everything fit together, but making tweaks and changes here and there in the service of storytelling isn’t the end of the world. Especially with a franchise spanning 50+ years and several different television series.

  • Did this site live and die in 4 days?
  • I’ve been visiting Reddit since 2006 and had an account there for nearly 17 years. I remember it before subreddits were a thing. It was for tech nerds and other associated weirdos before entering a genuinely charming period for a few years, but those days are long in the past. I’d rather try out something new with a smaller group of interesting people who are also into trying new things, and I hope this site is able to keep chugging along regardless of whatever is happening at Reddit.