Figaro2x @
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How to save $90 at the airport Figaro2x 5 0
The trucks/bearings/wheels are the majority of the $ value of a skateboard.
That board might be old and boards are something that you change regularly... Hence they can be expandable. Plus skaters tend to give one another their old boards if necessary...
She might not have known that
France passes bill to allow police to remotely activate phone camera and microphone to spy on people Figaro2x 2 0
There are exceptions for law enforcement/intelligence in GDPR. Those are particularly broad in the UK data protection act for example.
1,200-year-old 'Viking graffiti' is the oldest drawing ever discovered in Iceland Figaro2x 2 0
That poor guy taking shots 1200 years later... He/she wasn't even finished, I'm sure!
China is in default on a trillion dollars in debt to US bondholders. Will the US force repayment? Figaro2x 5 1
Who are they?
Done with Twitter and Reddit Figaro2x 8 0
There's a !Football one that seems tho be getting the content.