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Kyle Montanio

I'm an environmental economist who researches econ pedagogy to make learning economics marginally less dismal.

My pipe-dream is to write a fantasy novel/economics textbook, which is getting closer to reality every day.

\#economics #teaching #sustainability #equity #FantasyNerd

Profile pick is me smiling in front of a whiteboard with economics gibberish -- cause econ makes me happy.

Background is my dog, Freya, who is derpily sticking her tongue out while passed out.

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Comments 1
Right now, could you prepare a slice of toast with zero embodied carbon emissions?
  • @jackofalltrades @jgkoomey @urlyman @ajsadauskas @green

    Even if absolute decoupling is possible, we can no longer view it as a reasonable strategy. If we started in the 60's, sure, *maybe* we could have maintained a slow-growing economy while staying within Earth's biophysical constraints.

    But we didn't.

    We are now so far outside safe bounds (#overshoot) that the theoretical possibility of absolute decoupleing seems moot, at best. And perhaps a dangerous distraction.