Just a geek ... linux, foss, privacy, yada.
An American in Essen, formerly The Hague, formerlier Sopron, formerliest Milwaukee.
Joined the 'Verse 2018/01/18.
cishet white guy, they/them/he/him
I quit eating meat 9 years ago for the Climate, literally "until they can grow it in a lab". Never been on FB, Twitter, etc; quit Google in 2006.
I review follow requests; if I cannot look at your bio and history and easily tell you're human (and not a nazi/4chan/loli), you're not getting approved.

For privacy and "FOSS ideals" stay away from Ubuntu and RedHat.
For "easy for a Windows user", I tried switching to Linux 6-7 times over 15 years, different distro every time.
The one that finally "stuck" for me was #Mint.
Although honestly, nowadays, most of the top distros are very good. I'm also a fan of #Pop_OS