It's worse for me in my country, 90% of people use Viber. Which not only has the same lack of privacy with other popular messengers, it's also ugly, filled with ads and company bots, and it's obviously targeted to teenagers. It's so weird to me that people use this app, but I guess most people's choice is always "whatever my most contacts use". I've been trying to introduce my friends to something better, I would prefer Signal but literally zero of my contacts use it. On Telegram on the other hand, I found 4-5 of my contacts already using it so I started from there, added my family too, and I'm slowly trying to add more friends. Until then, like others said, I'll use whatever for a casual message, and I'll just call the person for anything more personal or private.

I tried to do something similar a while ago, as practice while learning C#. It was just randomly picking and matching themes and templates from a list of presets, so the results were random but limited. I'd love to try your website but the link doesn't seem to work for me.

I love single player FPS games, I'll definitely try a few from this list. The term "boomer shooter" is terrible though.

As Joe said, the problem is that these moves are not forced. After Rb8 black has a few options to play, like moving the rook out of the danger. And in case white follows with Qc2+, black can also defend with either Qg6 or g6 and keep the queen safe or exchange. The puzzle solution in this case is a double attack that wins material for white regardless black's response.

Moral Kombat. A game where each player fights against their own vices, competing to build the most virtuous character.