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Drakena Drakena
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Kindle Is Making It Harder to Switch to Rival eReader Brands.
  • I resisted eBooks for years, preferring physical books from the library or new/second hand stores. I got gifted a Kindle from a well meaning relative a few years ago and I have a small collection on there, mainly built up when I was commuting.

    This news came just as I am backing up my own data, moving off of the big name Cloud services and going back to open source software. (In confession the convenience of M365 etc won me over so the last 10 or so years I fell into the trap!)

    Anyway needless to say my 40(ish) Kindle books quickly got downloaded and archived this week. Thanks to Calibre I've also fixed the covers to a book series that suddenly got updated to an awful 'new hip' version! :)

    I'm now intrigued about repurposing the Kindle hardware as it still works and I don't want it to go to waste, but with this and other recent events I'm done personally proving data or money to these big corporate companies as much as I possibly can.

  • Media Software replacements for Windows?

    Hi, looking for recommendations and or thoughts on open source software for Windows, specially for audio, video and media playback?

    I'm currently using VLC for most video files, but don't really enjoy using it for my music collection. I've been looking into the following so far:

    • Audacious
    • Kodi
    • Clementine

    ::edit:: Forgot use case! I'm mainly looking for something to play my local MP3 collection, with metadata intact as I've spent years making sure it all correct thanks to mp3Tag. Playlists are a bonus, visualisations would be nice, but it's mainly for an album at a time from my harddrive while I work or read.

    Thank you!

    For Context: Am in the process of replacing Office365 and Windows default apps on my personal laptop with open source due to the intrusive Copilot etc. I am also looking at the eventual move back over to a Linux OS down the line.
