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Danish king changes royal coat of arms in apparent rebuke of Trump over Greenland row
  • I am not contending that orange man said some stuff, I am contending that the change of my country's coat of arms is in any way related to that. The royal family has done a huge job of improving relations with Greenland for years, this is a drop in the bucket and has probably been in the works since the king succeeded the Queen last year. Not everything that happens does so because of American politics.

  • Danish king changes royal coat of arms in apparent rebuke of Trump over Greenland row
  • in an apparent rebuke to Donald Trump's renewed interest in buying Greenland.

    Citation needed

    EDIT: Apparently people in this thread think I don't believe Trump said anything. The citation I am looking for here is, that the change to the coat of arms is in any way related. I posted this further down:

    I am not contending that orange man said some stuff, I am contending that the change of my country’s coat of arms is in any way related to that. The royal family has done a huge job of improving relations with Greenland for years, this is a drop in the bucket and has probably been in the works since the king succeeded the Queen last year. Not everything that happens does so because of American politics.

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