I agree with the phenomena at play, but have to say that conservatism/liberalism (not the political kind) is not a black and white characteristic. It is much more nuanced than that. A person can be entirely conservative in one ideological area of their life, and entirely liberal in another. Eg. (this example may be using the political sense just for illustration) Someone may be entirely fiscally conservative with their money, but entirely socially liberal with their social mores (very open-minded sexually, etc). Or vise-versa, or any other combination thereof.
The way that we as humans tend to group people into black and white, dualistic groups is not only destructive to the human race, it's inaccurate. Humans are not dualistic, black and white beings. Everyone's characteristics and beliefs are a smattering of many different aspects, all presenting/leaning in conservative or liberal, one way or the other. But very few people fit into the category where everything they believe is conservative, or liberal. Most people are a complex combination. Trying to oversimplify it into two categories is a creation of political and media narratives that keeps people divided and powerless to greater interests, and hating each other. Humans are much more complex than that. We all have many liberal and conservative aspects, masculine and feminine aspects, etc.
Of course, every four years in November, they use the best tactics they can through our screens to make sure we fully pledge our loyalty to one of those two categories.
So, the practice of using bots/multiple accounts by a corporate interest to change the sentiment/narrative in an online forum has a history that goes all the way back to 2005.
If they were doing that in 2005, I can't imagine what they are capable of now, or how widespread these types of practices are.
What it comes down to, is we all have to work together and do our part, if we want to see piracy keep going. It is a living, breathing, group effort. We cannot rely on a few small groups of people to do all the work, like with RARBG, or piracy will die.
Seed your torrents long. Upload fresh content to as many trackers/places as possible. Don't just take. Give to your shipmates too. Give back to the communities.
It is up to you (and me and everyone) to do uploading, sharing, and keeping piracy living. You must give back or piracy dies. We cannot keep expecting others to do everything. If we all give a little, piracy lasts forever and can never die. Carry the torch. When the old guys retire or pass on (yes old pirates literally die), then it is your turn to fulfill the giving to the young pirates. Teach. Seed. Upload. Give. And there's always enough to go around. 🦜🏴☠️
How to do a proper screen cap?
Hey all, super happy to see Lemmy picking up. How do you do your screen caps? What software/settings/GPU do you use to get a good result?
I feel like you can get pretty decent results but I want to make sure I'm doing it right.