It depends. Most of the time, I can sense what is happening and try to distance myself from the situation. However, on the rare occasion that none of the strategies work, my brain hits the panic code and I could meltdown. My meltdowns are not violent.Usually, my meltdowns leave me inert and mute so they can be easily controlled.

I find this very relatable. There are plenty activities. I’d love to get into, but I can’t find enjoyment out of them so I don’t do them.

You did well, thank you for contributing.

The problem with commenting for me is that I have no idea what to say most of the time. I’m always afraid I’ll say something irrelevant or offensive.

Yea, I do this far too often.

I have a friend like this. We rarely talk, but when we do, we enjoy it and nether of us have ever questioned our friendship.