DeusUmbra @
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Comments 4
I mean we would stand against the armies of Mordor, but Sauron is a Triple platinum tier DNC donor... DeusUmbra 4 0
If there is anything I have learned in my life, it is that fascism can only be defeated through violence. You can't talk to an ork and convince it that it is doing wrong, you can only chop off it's head.
The Peaceful Protestors Were Pardoned, As Promised. So...? DeusUmbra 6 0
Once the people rise up, it won't matter what your defense is anymore. You either stand aside, rise with us, or be judged by us.
Pardon Me? DeusUmbra 6 0
Well then, shouldn't be long before we're all terrorists, seeing as this won't be the end of it.
Unless I'm wrong, and I am never wrong... DeusUmbra 5 0
"60% of the time I'm right 100% of the time."