But I guess this is the "new normal". Normalizing mass death in the heart of Europe.
It's 44 C in Rome, but "only" 40 C in Dubai.
Rome is hotter than Dubai, and 2022 European heatwave killed 61k people.
The heatwave last summer in Europe killed 61 000 people. The current summer is hotter than 2022. Right now, Rome is hotter than Dubai. We're on the highway to hell.
Overshoot: The Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change
We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas.
I don’t want to be unkind, but if you have such a negative outlook on the world that you will buy this, is this really a world you want to bring children into?
It will be interesting to follow www.euromomo.eu to see if excess deaths spike.
The paintings will be destroyed soon enough in floods or hurricanes.