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Darren the Foxcoon

34 GF Pan Poly Furry, kinky, nerdy. Sometimes a male foxcoon🦊🦝, sometimes a pink dragoness. Often lewd 🔞

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Furry Darren the Foxcoon

"Christmas Mural 2020" 🎁🎄 by TGWonder

Featuring tons of famous artists' sonas. (If text labels not legible, characters are listed here:

Based Kofola repost
  • Our daily reminder that most world countries are Fur-pawsitive <3

  • Video Essay: Furry Porn is Good Porn
  • Very good analysis of Furry from the outside, nicely done 👍 Some thoughts I had as I watched it:

    • Most of the pearl-clutching about Furries seems to come from Puritan countries, esp. USA & UK. Other countries? Quite the opposite. Examples off the top of my head:

    • Notions of "children"'s mascots almost never occur to any of us Furs, except for the obvious Rule 34 moments. It more feels like, without consciously thinking about it, my childhood interests grew up with me. Does nostalgia play a role? Perhaps some unstated rebellion against squeaky-clean Puritan and Corpo media?

    • Xenophilia & neophilia are probably the strongest drivers, conscious or not. Every day in this fandom, someone comes up with something both strange and wonderful.

    • Accordingly, Furry art is a wondrous baptism-by-fire of Queer acceptance (also conscious or not), especially regarding body-positivity. As one gets used to seeing an 8-foot fox with 3 pairs of watermelon-size breasts & multiple tentacle dicks, the discomfort of trans and intersex bodies falls away. (I admit to my shame that transmen once made me uncomfortable; Furry art slowly slapped me out of it.)

    • It's both flattering and amusing to have "deeper meaning" / "deep sense of self" ascribed to our silly cartoon animals. Most days it feels like Furry simply is, no hidden depths needed. Is all art like this?   "Just shat out this portrait of some lady over the weekend, it's whatever" ~Leonardo da Vinci, probably

  • Furry Darren the Foxcoon

    🦈 "Shark Rain", an in-development platformer by Lin -- solve puzzles, swap Anthro & Feral form, and flood whole areas with your FLUDD-2.0 Water Bazooka 🔫🌊

    In-game footage (no sound):

    Wishlist on Steam to help boost her game's visibility (iirc if a game gets wishlisted 1000 times, it automatically gets put on the Steam Store front page):

    Furry Darren the Foxcoon

    (Various Artists) Roxy & Glam-Chica cuteness compilation before Pride Month ends -- shoutout to all the fandom's sapphics, y'all are rockstars 💕

    Main img: commissioned by me from Bibi 🇺🇦 (aka Popkorny)



    art by @GlamrockChica



    art by Keisha Leigh Austria



    art by Welwraith



    art by Firulais



    art by RakoonGrey



    art by Hiroshark

    Furry Darren the Foxcoon

    ICYMI, this weekend was the Anthro Festival on Steam - celebrating and showcasing sh*ttons of Furry indie games

    AVIF and JPEG-XL image uploads not supported?
  • AVIF has >90% compat., especially for most-recent versions of browsers. JXL is waaay less supported, but can be enabled with config switches in both FF & Chrome (and it just works by default in Safari).

    Again, inclusion of software-specific image formats like .AI and .XCF implies someone added those arbitrarily in Pawb/Lemmy code. Hoping that @Crashdoom et al. can chime in -- if they're not busy, obviously; AVIF compat. is a minor nitpick compared to the recent backend & downtime issues

  • AVIF and JPEG-XL image uploads not supported?
  • List of compatible types is way more than that, according to the Windows-specific upload dialog -- includes eyebrow-raisers like BMP, Windows Icon format, XCF (GIMP iirc), HEIC (x265 has a static image implementation?), Adobe Illustrator files, among others.

    If none of those are an option on or other instances, guess that at least proves that Pawb's fork of the Lemmy code can accept other formats.

  • AVIF and JPEG-XL image uploads not supported?

    Been meaning to ask for awhile; especially relevant with the most recent Pawb outage apparently being due to lack of storage space.

    A post from 6 months ago claims that Lemmy as a whole still doesn't support AVIF or JXL uploads; is that also true of Pawb?

    Furry Darren the Foxcoon

    What name should I pick for my genderbent fursona? 🤔

    Best I can come up with is either Dariana (already taken by a reasonably famous snek lady) or Darlynn (extra cheesy, reminiscent of a adult-star alias). I humbly request aid and advice from my fellow, ever-gracious Furs 🙏

    (art is by Blazera, lightly edited from a comm I bought last year)
