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Happy June 27th, The day of "The Lottery"

If you haven't read this short story, first published on June 26, 1948 and written by Shirley Jackson , you should! It quite possibly makes June 27th the creepiest/scariest day of the year (outside on Halloween of course)

Here is just a small snippet of the beginning:

The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green. The people of the village began to gather in the square, between the post office and the bank, around ten o’clock; in some towns there were so many people that the lottery took two days and had to be started on June 26th ....”

Unofficial Subreddit Migration List (Lemmy, Kbin)
  • Interesting list, saving for later

  • Walgreens pharmacist cites religion in denying meds to trans man
  • As a pharmacist myself, this shit pisses me off to no end. While we have a right to refuse, it should be used to save lives and mitigate problems (drug interactions, disease interactions, etc) ... not CAUSE more problems.

    Fortunately most pharmacists I know don't give 2 shits about birth control or HRT or plan B... but those very very few ruin the profession for the rest of us. It is why I got out of retail and went hospital, plus I can have more direct impact on patient health than sitting behind a counter arguing with insurance all day long.

    TLDR: Fuck this guy