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Simple question, how do you highlight and copy text from a link?
  • You can change the move window modifier key between Disabled/Alt/Super/Control.

    Menu->Preferences->Windows, then select the Behavior tab and choose from the drop-down menu in the "Moving and Resizing Windows" section.

  • DOGE mischaracterizes a study as transgender, and USDA cancels it
  • That engine is definitely woke. I had 269 hits when I searched for "trans" in my car's manual!

  • Trump's threats mean's it’s high time for Canada to ban Musk's Twitter/X.
  • David Climenhaga is a journalist and trade union communicator who has worked in senior writing and editing positions with the Globe and Mail and the Calgary Herald

    "Mean's" in the headline.

  • US baseball player Pete Whisenant posing with Cuban Revolutionary fans, Havana, Cuba, 1959
  • Initially my brain was bucketing the photo with recent pictures posted of Fidel playing basketball so I was operating under the assumption there were friendly games being played between the pictured parties. Obviously it's far more likely it was just a simple staged photograph where the glove was traded with the gun and neither were actually in use.

  • US baseball player Pete Whisenant posing with Cuban Revolutionary fans, Havana, Cuba, 1959
  • Then he must not intend on throwing anything he catches unless he's at least partially ambidextrous.

    EDIT: For some reason I'm ignoring this was likely just a staged photograph and he isn't throwing or catching anything. Disregard me :)

  • US baseball player Pete Whisenant posing with Cuban Revolutionary fans, Havana, Cuba, 1959
  • I'm curious if the person on the far left of the picture is ambidextrous. Their sidearm is holstered on their left hip implying they are left hand dominant, yet they are also wearing the baseball glove on their left hand when typically you'd catch with your off/weaker hand and throw with your dominant one.